Hi Friends!
I’m very excited to say that Spirit-Girl #1 is completely drawn, inked and screentoned and I just got back from scanning it all. Next step is digital processing to get ready for print. We are fast approaching the finish line.
I made a short video about how I intend to publish Spirit-Girl (also included below in text) and some words on what the Spirit-Girl story is about. Plus, it has an amazing of my nostrils!
I am now requesting your feedback on my plan for publishing which is as follows.
I will be print out a small number of copies of Spirit-Girl which I will hand assemble. I’m thinking 15-25. Each will be hand numbered and signed. So it will be an art object as well as a comic book story. This will be made available exclusively to monthly paid subscribers to my substack. To get the book you would just have to get a paid subscription to this newsletter ($5/month). Of course, those of you who are already paid subscribers will get a book. For those who want to only get the book and forego the occasional paid content, they can just cancel before the first month expires. This will simplify payment processing on my end as this newsletter is already all set up for doing that.
The digital comic will publish a few months later without the additional content that the physical comic will have. This will allow me to make the story accessible to a wide audience while rewarding those of you supporting me with a paid subscription.
Much later in the future I intend on doing a full print run that would be un-numbered and unsigned. Please vote in the poll below to provide feedback on this publishing idea.
Very Close to the Finish Line! / Spirit-Girl release news!